Discover Our Europe – International virtual Conference
On November 30, 2021 the virtual international conference of Discover Our Europe took place in Spain, with several guests organisations, who during 4 hours guided participants through mobility, academic and professional opportunities, good practices and some games around the History and concept of Europe.
The international conference included the presentation of the project partners to the participants, and had different guests, including the Director of IES Luis Vives, School involved in this and other European projects developed by the Foundation; representatives of the two National Agencies for European programs in Spain (SEPIE and INJUVE), and EU Careers Ambassadors in Spain, from the Universities of La Laguna (Canary Islands) and La Rioja.
The conference included a participatory quiz on Kahoot, for participants to assess their knowledge about Europe and the European Values. The result was there was a lot still to learn, and the events foreseen during this project will help to tackle this challenge.
We also asked participants to tell us what is Europe for them in a word, and created a word cloud, which is included below in the images.
We invite you to check the Discover Our Europe Youtube channel and enjoy the conference! 🙂
Watch the replay of the event here !